
Raconter ses vacances en anglais

Sujet du devoir

Faire mininmum 12 lignes pour raconter ses vacances (au preterit) sans lister ce que j'ai fait, je dois donner mes impressions sur ce que j'ai fait, mon texte doit etre vivant et non pas banal sous forme d'une simple liste. J'aimerais juste que l'on me corrige ce que j'ai fait pour l'instant svppp

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

DURING MY HOLIDAYS, For 3 days i visited my grandparents. Every time I go there, I went out with my little brother and we played football. Each time I win because he is smaller than me, he is 4 years old. Then, I went in Italia for visited my family ans for visited Venise, It was the first time I go there, I liked this city so much, it was very romantic and nice but it was cold. When I returned in Paris, it was too cold. I went to cinema with my friends, we looked "La vérité si je ment", I liked it because it was very funny. During the second week, I often went on Paris, I climbed the Eiffel Tower with my mother and my little sister and we could see all Paris, it was magic and fabulous ! It was the second time I go there but the first time I go there I was a child, i was 3 years old so I didn't remembered how it was nice !

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