
Présentation de New York

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour !

Je dois faire une présentation de la ville de New-York en anglais et je dois dire que je galère bien... Il n' y a pas de temps précis.
Je l'ai d'abord écris en français puis j'ai essayé de le traduire :S (je me suis aider d'un traducteur pour les mots que je ne savais pas).

Dites moi ce que vous en pensé, les erreurs, la structure du texte... et d'ailleurs si vous avez des infos complémentaires sur la ville de New-York, des choses à rajouter, dites-le moi !^^.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The new-york city is a gigantic city, it has à lot of diversity. It´s a city of 8 million d'inhabitans left on 5 big district ; Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, State Island. Called "the big Apple" or the city wich never sleeps, it's THE city has de numerous cultures, ethnics groups, religions and includes more of 200 differents nationalities and 170 languages.
New York has too 3 rivers of the Hudson river Know for the sea landing a Airbus A320 the 15 january on 2009. New York is know too for these shows, theaters, museum of Broadway. There is always something of day as of night. The monuments the very know are the statue of liberty, l'empire State building, and Brooklyn bridge.
The most renowned places are ;
Central parc : the l'Italie green place with these 341 hectares
Broadway : international district theater
The empire State building : the most famous building of the world
Wall street : district of the finance new yorkaise.

The city is know for these billionaires, it's beautifuls districts, these luxuries stores but too for the povrety and the criminality.
In his history, new york has too painful past, we think of attack of 11 september 2001 or planes collided tower world trade center with important damage material but too the die of thousands nobody. We heard too in the 70s the highest rate of criminality of the history of New York or still the famous stock-exchange crash.

In the day of today, New York finds all his vitality and his energy.

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