Teenage money makers (séries techno LV1)

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Unit 1 - | Corpus Sujets - 1 Sujet Teenage money makers  

Séries technologiques • LV1



Mythes et héros



France métropolitaine • Juin 2013

Séries technologiques • LV1

Text 1

Hannah Taylor

Childhood experiences often shape the path one takes in life.

In Hannah Taylor’s case, it was not what she experienced herself, but rather something she saw, that altered the course of her young life. At the age of 5, Hannah, for the first time, saw a homeless man eating out of a garbage can.

The sight caused her great sadness, so much so that for the next year she found herself increasingly worried about the plight of the homeless, and constantly asking her family questions about homelessness.

Seeing how emotionally affected Hannah was, her mother suggested she do something about it… never imagining what this would lead to.

The next day Hannah asked her first grade teacher if she could speak to the class about what she had learned about homelessness, and how they might be able to help. In response, the class had an art sale and bake sale and gave all donations to a local homeless mission.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Soon after, at the age of 6, Hannah created the Ladybug Foundation, in hopes to help end homelessness. A Winnipeg, Canada native, she began making ‘ladybug jars’ to collect change during Canada’s “Make Change” month. It was the first major fundraising campaign for her foundation.

Today at the age of 11, Hannah travels throughout Canada speaking on homelessness and spreading her message of hope. She has even spoken to the Prime Minister! So far, Hannah has helped raise over 1 million for Canadian homeless charities.

Beyond fundraising, Hannah strives to restore a dignified human­ity to the homeless population by educating the general public. She hopes that people will see them as members of their community, rather than as threats or as someone to avoid contact with or to ignore.

Yet despite all the work she does for her Ladybug Foundation, Hannah remains a normal kid and she still enjoys other endeavors, like spending time with her friends. She feels it is important for others to realize that ‘regular’ people can make a difference in the lives of others.

myhero.com September 18, 2006.

Text 2



Bracelets with thermo-embedded letters


Connie was a student at a small Catholic academy, St. Catherine’s, where the girls wore uniforms and were forbidden all jewelry except one ring (“simple, all metal”), one watch (“simple, no jewels”), and two earrings (“simple, all metal, half-inch maximum in size”). It happened that one of the popular ninth-grade girls at Joey’s own school, Central High, had come home from a family trip to New York City with a cheap watch, widely admired at lunch hour. In its chewable-looking yellow band a Canal Street vendor had thermo-embedded tiny candy-pink plastic letters spelling out a Pearl Jam lyric, “don’t call me daughter”, at the girl’s request. Joey had immediately taken the initiative to research the price of a thermo-embedding press. He’d invested four hundred dollars of his own savings in equipment, had made Connie a sample plastic band (“ready for the push”, it said) to flash at St. Catherine’s, and then, employing Connie as a courier, had sold personalized watches to fully a quarter of her schoolmates, at thirty dollars each, before the nuns1 amended the dress code to forbid watchbands with embedded text. Which, of course, struck Joey as an outrage.

“It’s not an outrage,” Walter told him2. “You were benefiting from an artificial restraint of trade. I didn’t notice you complaining about the rules when they were working in your favor.”

“I made an investment. I took a risk.”

“You were exploiting a loophole, and they closed the loophole. Couldn’t you see that coming ”

“Well, why didn’t you warn me ”

“I did warn you.”

“You just warned me I could lose money.”

“Well, and you didn’t even lose money. You just didn’t make as much as you hoped.”

“It’s still money I should have had.”

“Joey, making money is not a right. You’re selling junk those girls don’t really need and some of them probably can’t even afford. That’s why Connie’s school has a dress code – to be fair to everybody.”

“Right – everybody but me.”

Jonathan Franzen, Freedom, 2010.

1. nuns: female members of a religious order.

2. Walter is Joey’s father.


Text 1

1 Choose and write down the right answer.

Hannah lives in India – Canada – the USA – England. She was fivesix – eleven – eighteen years old when she realized that something had to be done for her family – her classmates – homeless people.

2 Write down the following sentences in chronological order.

Hannah toured her country. – Hannah collected money. – Hannah talked to her schoolfriends. – Hannah was shocked. – Hannah set up an association.

3 The following statements are true. Justify by quoting the text.

1. Hannah was not shy.

2. Hannah’s schoolmates supported her.

3. Hannah wants to change people’s opinions.

4. Hannah thinks everybody can do something.

Text 2

1 Write down the right answer and justify by quoting the text.

Joey wanted to:

1. steal money.

2. earn money.

3. donate money.

4. print fake money.

2 Complete each sentence with the right element from the list below (one blank = one element):

Joey – the nuns – many St. Catherine’s students – Connie – one of Joey’s schoolmates

1. … bought a cheap watch.

2. … decided to buy a machine to customize watches.

3. … wore a watch at school to start the trend.

4. … followed the fashion.

5. … made the regulations at St. Catherine’s stricter.

3 Right or wrong Answer and justify by quoting the text.

1. At St. Catherine’s, students could wear
whatever they wanted. 4c5caeb7135c65155efab913a7208043.png25bc2e4b979b6ceb143fa948278f92a8.png

2. Joey was a student at St. Catherine’s. 5dc0b27355d6f9283573a39efa316946.png83386b08c45755adf7c27b2460a47350.png

3. Joey was revolted by the change in the rules
at St. Catherine’s. defd2a8495bb346f4cc3cb755e94f523.pngd72863dc217d2c2acc010206f4a5ef24.png

4. Walter thinks Joey’s product is useless. 9bc70115750ccec40f1979834bc2c066.png65684bcfef7502fc798f1156d37ebf3c.png

Both texts

1 Write down the two titles that correspond to both texts 1 and 2.

1. Helping poor people

2. Early experiences

3. Showing initiative

4. Fashion victims

5. Making profits.

2 Write down the five adjectives that can apply to both Hannah from text 1 and Joey from text 2.

Talented – enterprising – selfless – determined – ungenerous – egocentric – understanding – precocious – ambitious – obedient.


> Choose one of the following subjects. (180-250 words)

1 You are part of an organization that fights for a good cause. Write an article for the school newspaper to convince your schoolmates to help you or to join the organization.

2 The students at your school disagree with one of the school’s rules and ask you to represent them. You go and see the headmaster to try to persuade him/her to change it. Imagine the conversation.

Texte 1

La source

myhero.com est un site américain fondé par Jeanne Meyers en 1995. Le site s’est donné pour « mission » d’utiliser les médias, l’art et la technologie afin de célébrer « ce qui est bon » dans l’humanité. C’est un espace virtuel où on peut partager des histoires de héros réels.

Pour en savoir plus : https://myhero.com

Le thème

Hannah Taylor est une jeune canadienne ayant des préoccupations inhabituelles pour son âge. Une expérience, à l’âge de 5 ans, l’a marquée pour la vie : elle a vu une personne SDF fouiller des poubelles afin de se nourrir. Dès le lendemain, elle est intervenue dans sa classe afin de sensibiliser les autres enfants et de monter un projet pour récolter des fonds au bénéfice des personnes SDF du quartier.

À l’âge de 6 ans, elle a créé l’association « Coccinelles » dans le but de mettre fin à la précarité des personnes sans domicile. Depuis, elle voyage à travers le Canada afin de faire passer le message que chacun peut œuvrer pour aider les personnes en difficulté.

Vocabulaire utile à la compréhension

To shape someone’s path, l. 1 (déterminer le chemin qu’on prend)  to alter the course, l. 3 (modifier la direction)  plight, l. 7 (détresse)  to lead to, l. 12 (mener à)  first grade, l. 13 (Cours Préparatoire)  a bake sale, l. 16 (vente de gâteaux)  a homeless mission, l. 16 (centre pour SDF)  ladybug, l. 18 (US : coccinelle)  change, l. 20 (ici : monnaie, pièces jaunes)  fundraising, l. 21 (collecte de fonds)  throughout, l. 22 (à travers)  to spread a message, l. 23 (faire passer un message)  to raise money, l. 25 (récolter de l’argent)  to strive, l. 26 (faire tout son possible)  a threat, l. 29 (une menace).

Texte 2


Jonathan Franzen (né en 1959) est un romancier et essayiste américain. Son roman Les Corrections, publié en 2001, lui a apporté une renommée internationale. Il est connu pour son franc-parler sur des sujets de société tels que les réseaux sociaux et l’avenir de l’Europe. Son roman Freedom trace le parcours d’une famille américaine de classe moyenne de la fin du xxie siècle aux débuts de l’administration Obama.

Pour en savoir plus :

https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171, 2010185,00.html

Le thème

Joey est un lycéen new-yorkais qui trouve le moyen de gagner de l’argent en vendant des bracelets dans un lycée catholique pour jeunes filles. En voyant une fille populaire dans son lycée avec un bracelet en plastique très tendance, il a l’idée de profiter des lacunes du règlement très strict de ce lycée catholique, qui n’autorise ses élèves à porter des bijoux que sous des critères très précis. Il investit dans du matériel de gravure thermique afin de fabriquer et de vendre avec l’aide d’une copine, Connie, des bracelets avec des inscriptions. Il commence à faire fortune. Quand les sœurs dirigeant le lycée se rendent compte de cette nouvelle mode, elles modifient le règlement et Joey se sent floué.

Vocabulaire utile à la compréhension

Ninth-grade, l. 5 (classe de 3e)  a sample, l. 13 (un échantillon)  an outrage, l. 18 (un scandale)  a loophole, l. 23 (une faille)  to warn, l. 25 (prévenir)  junk, l. 31 (de la camelote).

Les points de convergence

Hannah Taylor dans le premier texte et Joey dans le second, sont des jeunes avec beaucoup d’idées sur la manière de récolter de l’argent. Avoir des qualités d’entrepreneur peut servir au bien commun (Hannah), ou à l’enrichissement personnel (Joey). La façon dont on emploie cette qualité et le but que l’on poursuit changent le regard de nos pairs sur notre entreprise.

Le sujet d’expression 1

Pistes de recherche

Il existe nombre d’œuvres caritatives : protection des animaux, aide aux personnes âgées, aide aux enfants malades, aide aux orphelins… Choisissez une cause qui vous tient à cœur et réfléchissez à comment d’autres lycéens pourraient s’impliquer : en donnant de leur temps, de l’argent ou par d’autres contributions.

Vocabulaire utile

To moan (râler)  think yourself lucky (il faut se rendre compte de la chance qu’on a)  to face (affronter)  to suffer from (souffrir de)  to make a difference for (améliorer le sort de)  to lose touch (perdre de vue)  to get involved (s’impliquer)  to donate (donner de l’argent, du temps)  to spare a thought for (garder une pensée pour).

Le sujet d’expression 2

Pistes de recherche

Être porte-parole de vos camarades face au chef d’établissement peut être une situation très stressante. Vous pouvez imaginer un chef d’établissement à l’écoute ou plutôt strict et sévère. Votre demande peut être d’ordre vestimentaire (lycée où l’uniforme serait de rigueur) ou concerner l’usage des appareils électroniques. N’oubliez pas de décrire la situation du dialogue (mouvements, voix, mimiques…).

Vocabulaire utile

To take a deep breath (respirer à fond)  to knock on the door (frapper à la porte)  stern (sévère)  don’t beat about the bush (ne tournez pas autour du pot)  gruffly (d’un ton bourru)  to update (mettre à jour)  PE (Physical Education – EPS)  prefect (élève des grandes classes chargé de la discipline et de l’organisation des plus jeunes)  to nod one’s head (faire oui de la tête)  governor (ici : membre du conseil de l’établissement)  a sigh of relief (un soupir de soulagement).



Text 1

1 Hannah lives in Canada. She was five years old when she realized that something had to be done for homeless people.

2 Hannah was shocked. Hannah talked to her schoolfriends. Hannah collect­ed money. Hannah set up an association. Hannah toured her country.

3 1. “Hannah asked her first grade teacher if she could speak to the class” (l. 13).

“Hannah travels throughout Canada speaking on homelessness” (l. 22-23).

2. “the class had an art sale and bake sale and gave all donations to a local homeless mission” (l. 15-16).

3. “by educating the general public” (l. 27) or “She hopes that people will see them as members of their community, rather than as threats or someone to avoid contact with or to ignore” (l. 28-30).

4. “She feels it is important […] that ‘regular’ people can make a difference” (l. 33-34).

Text 2

1 Joey wanted to earn money. “You just didn’t make as much as you hoped” (l. 28-29) “I made an investment” (l. 22) “It’s still money I should have had” (l. 30) “Joey, making money is not a right” (l. 31).

2 1. One of Joey’s schoolmatesbought a cheap watch.

2. Joey decided to buy a machine to customize watches.

3. Connie wore a watch at school to start the trend.

4. Many St. Catherine’s students followed the fashion.

5. The nuns made the regulations at St. Catherine’s stricter.

3 1. Wrong: “the girls wore uniforms and were forbidden all jewelry” (l. 2).

2. Wrong: “Joey’s own school, Central High” (l. 6).

3. Right: “Which, of course, struck Joey as an outrage” (l. 18).

4. Right: “You’re selling junk those girls don’t really need” (l. 31-32).

Both texts

1 2. Early experiences.

3. Showing initiative.

2 The five adjectives that can apply to both these characters are: talented, enterprising, determined, precocious and ambitious.


1 Guidelines

So you think you’ve got it tough…

Do you wake up some mornings thinking “Oh no, school again”, feeling a little tired and just wanting to go back to sleep Do you complain and moan when you have a sore throat or if you fall and cut yourself Well you should just think yourself lucky as this is nothing compared to what some kids have to face every morning.

There are thousands of children and young people suffering from cancer all over the country. Children who have to faceweeks or months in hospital not being well enough to stay at home or go to school. Children in pain, with constant medication and treatment to follow who go to sleep each night wondering if they are going to wake up again in the morning.

We at ‘Kancer Kids’ want to make a difference for those children. We organise tutors to visit the children’s wards to keep them active and educated: for those who are well enough to integrate school again soon not to lose touch with their education. We also organise fun activities for the younger children with local students who dress up as clowns and musicians to entertain them.

If you’d like to get involved and donate either your time or your money please contact KancerKids.com.

And the next time you complain about an ache or a pain, about school being a bore, just remember how lucky you are to be well enough to attend each day and spare a thought for those who aren’t.

Jenny Barnes, KancerKids.com

2 Guidelines

I took a deep breath, stepped towards the door and knocked.

“Come in” yelled a stern-sounding voice from inside.

I went in.

“Ah, Miss Budgen, right on time. What is it that you want I’ve got another meeting in 10 minutes so don’t beat about the bush” the headmaster said gruffly.

“Yes, sir. I’m here to talk to you about one of the school rules, one that has been in place for more than 30 years and that really needs updating.” I stammered.

“Updating What are you talking about ”

“Well, in the school rules, it states that girls should wear knee-length grey skirts in class and short red skirts for PE lessons. When boys and girls had separate PE lessons, that was fine but now we do sport together I think it’s time the rules changed.” I looked Mr Chapman straight in the eye wondering what he would say next.

“Oh, I see, and are you the only one who has this opinion ”

“No sir, I met with the other prefects this morning. Everyone agrees, even the boys!”

“And what is the problem exactly ”

“We just get so embarrassed sir” I blushed and looked down. “We’re always worried what the boys think and don’t concentrate on the lesson properly.”

“Concentration in class is a problem. I can see your point there.” He nodded his head and continued. “I’ll organize a meeting with the governors and see what we can do, but I’m not making any promises, is that clear ”

“Yes, sir. Perfectly. Thank you for your time.” I breathed a sigh of relief and left before he could change his mind.